Eyam Pump Track is a not for
profit organisation whose aims are...
To bring together all people interested in biking and to provide a pump track for people to ride.
To promote biking and provide mutual support for members.
To raise money via grants and biking events to establish and maintain a village pump track in a sustainable and environmentally way.
There is evidence of a growing need for facilities specifically aimed at providing a worthwhile activity other than traditional team games for the young people of the village in conjunction with the fact there is a plot of land that is more over grown and somewhat of an eyesore which lies close to the centre of the village adjacent to the play park that is more than sufficient in size. It therefore seems that a BMX style ‘pump-track’ would enable this ‘waste land’ to be developed into a facility that would provide a much needed opportunity for the older children and youths to engage in a growing cycle sport that promotes fitness, contributes to a healthy and active lifestyle.
A pump track is a small, looping trail system that you can ride continuously. Your speed along the pump track is dependent on your ability to gain momentum by “pumping” your bike by moving your body weight to enable you to ride around the berms (banked bends), humps and jumps.In order to achieve this the Eyam Pump Track needs to raise sufficient funds to enable us to secure the address the underlying issues such as drainage and ensure the track is designed well & therefore more likely to provide long term enjoyment.
By supporting Eyam Pump Track you will be helping the community better utilise an area of land that is currently under utilised.
Eyam Pump Track are proud to be sponsored by some fab local businesses: